Tuesday, October 09, 2007

All Alex's Interwebs Are Belong To Me

All Alex's Interwebs are belong to me!


I'm sat in my housemates room, writting this blog while under the influance of cider. I underestimated the potancy of the Old Rosie Cider that they served at the bar I went to after LANMA.

Leicester Anime and Manga Club is held in Leicester University in the theatres of one of the buildings.

We watched two animes, (subbed not dubbed) then had a half an hour break and then watch two that were voted for by the group. (Gunsling Cats, Ruin Explorers and then a break and then Rental Magica and Genshiken).

In the half an hour break, me and others watched as the guy in charge of the laptop made an idiot of himself attempting to play a ROM of a Neon Genisis Evangelion game from the N64.

I would like to point out that he sucked at it.

Also beware the lights that come on between episodes of animes. Because if you are caught unawares, you become one of the enmass group that goes "AHHH MY EYES!" as the room's lights come back on.

After the anime, we went to the pub and I underestimated the strength of the cider.

And now I'm here, writing this while pissed.

So I'll leave you here and think about going to bed.


PS Everything in the world needs more Catgirls.
PPS Everything in the world needs ALOT MORE catgirls.

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