Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh God, I know that smile, we're gunna die!

Hehe, ok, yes, I'm admitting to watching the Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie while doing my blogs, but the above look is one that scares even the most hardened of Duellists, it's the scary look and if he gets that look it's game over man, you will in fact get your arse handed to you.

No idea why I'm mentioning this now... but I'm having a day of random Yu-Gi-Oh!

And I love that look, it's so much fun.

And so is the reactions of the duellists he's fighting against.

"This is the toughest move I've ever had to make, but this ends now... Black Skull Dragon... Molten Fireball Attack!" (Yugi vs Joey, Duellist Kingdom)

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