Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday shift...

Tonight, I am the only sane person in my flat.

I belive this would be because I am the only one who is both awake and not drunk.

I had my first day of work, offically, if you don't count the 7 hours they had me working the counters on Thursday as "Training." 4 Hours of serving customers pretty much non stop, my feet hurt!

On a plus side, I have gotten things written and drawn today, and I will be going out to do some more drawing tomorrow. However I haven't written the next chapter, just a bit that will be used later on, towards the Finals of Quidditch, I like it though...

Oh, since I keep talking about my fanfiction writing... or lack of it... here's my account...

Ok, I have to actually answer the qustions we were set now, so I'm Joey Lawrence... Anne Lawrence... It's really hard, when I've been going by my nickname for two weeks, to refer to myself by my real name... And I'm stubborn, impulsive and often hot tempered. If something seems like a good idea at the time I will often do it. I'm Wiccan, if you don't like it tough, it's part of who I am, so get used to it, and I'm also bisexual with preferance to women, so sorry men, you're out of luck with this girl.

I like blogging, I can put more of me into the page, essays are really hard for me so this is much better, I can write what I think instead of trying to keep it impersonal and boring. I will be writing in this blog as often as I have something to say, about anything I have to talk about. I see myself using this blog to express myself and my views on topics, instead of me just hiding behind minimal facts like I do for essays. I'm more comfortable writing about myself then talking about myself, but I love to talk about other things, like anime and games and books, and Fanfiction...And as an online author, writing for an invisable audiance doesn't faze me 'cause I never get to meet my reviewers in person either.

I've only just realised my favourate quotes from my writing changes every five seconds... currently it's...

“Do I wanna know what that does?” Yugi asked.

“Do you want credible deniability?” Fred replied, “It’s for us to know and the rest of the school to find out sooner or later.”

“Probably sooner.” George said with an evil smirk...

The Weasley Twins are some of my faves to write, even if it is hard to get the twin talk right. :)

Any way, I will leave you with all this information about me, and leave you to make your own opinions,

And see you in class on Tuesday,


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