Monday, October 23, 2006

Miss Leicestershire

This year I would like to win the above contest.

After competing in the Miss England regionals in my area for a couple of years, this year I have to enter Miss Leicestershire and hope I do well.

However this year I will have two bites of the apple, for I have been entered into the Miss Photographic round which, if I win, will give me auto entry into the Miss England finals next June, which I would love to have the chance to compete in, so if my picture goes up on the Miss England site I will soon be trying to raise publisity so people can vote for me by text, because I would love to make it to the finals just once.

The entry into Miss Photographic means that on the 17th of November, I am going into London for a photo shoot provided by one of the sponsers of Miss England, Fairlight Studios, and while I am looking forward to it I am also very nervous, because looking at what they want me to bring, I'm wondering if...

1. I have everything I need.


2. If I can afford what I don't have.

I hope pay day comes soon.

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