Thursday, March 22, 2007

Week 24 - The final formal blog task

It doesn't matter, now, what happens,
I will never give up the fight
Long as the voice inside drives me to run and fight,
It doesn't matter who is wrong and who is right.


The last formal blog huh?


I like the blogs, I've enjoyed writting the task blogs and while the idea of the video diaries kinda died when the internet finally gave up the ghost in my halls, the blogs are still going strong.

This year has been great, I love it, even if I'm beinging to hate this van cause it doesn't want to do what it's told when it comes to the mapping. Gah. I've finally got 3DMax, or I do when the computers have it running. The lack of working computers has been a bane of contention for many.

The drawing classes are really great, but I think we need Chris in more often, I don't think the amount of time that we have with him is enough. Four hours a week, in a class like drawing isn't enough.

Looking at the articals, we need to be well rounded and able to do pretty much anything and everything, and I think we're well on out way to that. We're doing all sorts in 3D modeling and we've had workshops in the ceramics and soft modelling labs.

Something we've got to make sure of is that we can model almost anything, as this will make us more valuable as employees. We can't just be focused on every day objects we've got to be able to do anything.

I've really enjoyed learning how to use Max even when I've wanted to blow up the computers because they crash and mess up the work and am really glad that my work has improved as much as it has.

The blogs are a much better idea then essays because the blogs are do able. If I had had an essay a week to do, I think I would've gone mental becuase I'm not brillient at writting.

This year has been amazing and I'm looking forward to coming back next year to see what we're doing and to get even better. Now I have 3dMax9 I can get on with things over the summer. : )

See ya around,


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