Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Random quizes

I've been taking random quizes on my lunch break, on the 27/2/07.

Here's some results.

Pokémon Fan Test Results
You are a:
85% Gamer. You are an obsessed gamer!
80% Animé-freak. You have a burning interest in the Pokémon animé.
70% Pokémon Know-it-all. You have a burning interest in researching Pokémon.
75% Obsessed. Pokémon is one of the most important elements of your life.
40% Fan Worker. You have some interest in Pokémon fanwork.
70% Pokémon Fan. You have a burning interest in Pokémon.
What Will Happen After Your Death?

Choose Your Own Adventure from Quiz Galaxy!

... "You join the most awesome party in Hell for all eternity."

'What Will Happen After Your Death?'
Choose Your Own Adventure at QuizGalaxy.com

Highly Dangerous

Click Here to Find Out YOUR Psychiatric Evaluation

OK, done with the random stuff now.

Next blog.


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