Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Final Fantasy X - Graphics faults

Charizard Joey uses Flamethrower to allow her to indulge in burninating Square Enix.
Final Fantasy X is an amzing game storyline wise, I love it, I always have and I always will.

But playing the game over the weekend while I was waiting for my laptop to come back with all my new dyslexia software on I couldn't help but notice the faults in the graphics of the game.

Tidus's design is almost perfect, not quite, there is some stretching but not as much as most of the charcaters, however...

The mapping is streched in levels and on charaters clothes, especally Rikku's, there are a couple of places where there are too many ploys in a scene and the renderer in the games system cannot keep up, there is anti-aliasing on swords, and worst of all you can see the anti-aliasing on charcaters!!!!

Square Enix have released Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2 and I love them for that but for Ra's sake, if you are going to release a game will they bloody well make sure they have all the faults worked out before they bloody release it.

What is worse, most of the gamers who play it won't realise, because I didn't notice until I started Game Art Design, and the faults leapt out at me demanding retribution.

So, Charizard Joey has flown to Japan and is burninating Square Enix.

I wonder who will be next to face my Flamethrower.


"Just one more thing, those we have lost, and the dreams that have faded...

Never forget them." (Yuna, Final Fantasy X)

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