Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Three down, one to go...

Sonic the Hedgehog storyline - 100% Complete
Shadow the Hedgehog storyline - 100% Complete
Silver the Hedgehog stroyline - 100% Complete
Last Story - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Mephiles the Dark killed Sonic!

He can't kill Sonic! He's not allowed to kill Sonic!

We're gonna bring Sonic back and kick Solaris's ass, muahahaha. (Wait, do Sun Gods have asses?)

The only problem with that is to get all the Emeralds to bring Sonic back, I have to do seven mission in a row, with no saves (that's fine I'm used to no saves) and very little life pickups (Oh s**t).

And while I can do Tails, Omega and Knuckles' missions easy, Silver's is a git because his telekinisis is a ruddy nightmare to use to float across things because he doesn't get any extra height and with the time space rifts dragging him towards them, you have to keep hitting the jump button so he edges forward ever so slightly and then he goes and ruddy falls because you lost height when you boosted the button... gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will do this.

I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will!

Even if I end up pulling my hair out.

So if I come to uni in September bald you all know why.

Oh by the way, I passed everything so yes, I'm sorry to say that you all have to put up with me next year.



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