Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Countdown to Battle - 2 Days to Go

Wow, where are the days going?

Friday soon and then... :D

Ok, yes, it's another Pheonix Wright Movie, but this one links back to one I put on here as few weeks ago...

Ok, insanity over as I try not to bounce all over the place, let the work commence...

I thought I'd try a change of pace today and go over the creative toys on the Mulberry Bush website.

All of the toys listed on this page are good for promoting creativity in children as they are all craft and design related toys, for example the badge art or the bead boxes, even the remote control cars are build it yourself kits, which I think is really clever as it gets children to think as they're making things and gets them to do hands on things that stimulates the brain.

Hmmm, I wonder where and when they deliver...

No, no distractions...

Anyway, it has toys for both girls and boys and have stuff that appeals to both and it's almost all things that (in the girly things at least) I'd consider doing with the Rainbows if the parts are safe for them to handle, or think the girls could handle with their parents.

And that's a good thing, because it means getting the girls to think creatively while they're still 5-7 and expanding their view of the world.

(This is one of the reasons I love Rainbows, they're such fun to make things with, although I swear when we do anything chocolaty or sweet covered they end up with more in their mouths...)

Anyway, just a little one today...

And a battle vid, I personally feel that using that many ubers or legendary Pokemon on a team is a cheap tactic, but he or she was only playing the CPU so it doesn't matter...

Anyway, g'night and see you in the morning,


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